The Dark Side of Beautiful

The marsh and tidal creek lay just out front from the large plantation house, with its majestic oaks draped with Spanish moss . It’s a beautiful setting for a low country wedding, and a place I fell in love with and could stay forever. With the price of beauty comes the side of darkness of its past.

Last year I went there from a request from the owner to see what was there. I primarily concentrated on several areas of the house and got lengthy Evp’s from the still lurking around owner from the 1800’s. This year, it was different.

I asked to speak to the kind man I engaged with last year. A voice came back to me over Evp’s that said, “He’s dead.”

My reply was, “Do you know you are dead too?” I was irritated that a spirit decided to screw with me as a medium and thwart my endeavors as to why I came.

“What do you mean he is dead?” What kind of spirit says that? Not a good one that is for sure. I had to dig deeper. I asked for a name and I got it. The next day I went to the library to get information and found out that the name given to me over evp by spirit belonged to the man who was ruthless, making this estate the richest during his lifetime for the area. He lived during the 1700’s. It was him I heard. It only got worse from there. The night time cameras catching us sleeping showed our project manager sitting on the edge of the bed rocking back and forth in an unusual manner around 2-3 am and all of sudden the footage showed his back contorting into a balloon. It was not humanly possible to do so unless you have helium to blow your back into a bulbous round shape. His did. Then you see the same spirit come over to me when I was sleeping and yank the covers from my feet and lay down beside me. I was not about to sleep alone in that house and he was my best friend. For three days I watched my friend turn into a 80 something year old, a man I did not know. Even his voice changed and his eyes narrowed, shutting for most of the time. Who was he? Not my friend Joe.

Later, his back hurt so bad that I took him to the emergency room. The doctors came back in and said his back had a compression fracture and a cracked rib. I know what caused it. He kept saying he wanted to go back home. We were home and now over 500 miles away from the estate.  Apparantly, this home was not the one he intended.

I asked out loud over an evp session when we were at the estate “Who is the evil entity here? Can they hurt someone?” I never heard the answer at the time, and it was “Yes”

After we arrived back at the house a few states away, having gotten home from the hospital, Joe’s phone turned Siri on, by itself, and a message came across the front screen,  “You don’t know true evil yet.”

After I left the estate last year, I got a message on my phone that said, ” What do you call a slut in the ground?.”

Pure evil lurks behind the beautiful sometimes.

Better Late Than Never

He had heard about me from my hairdresser. So he became my friend on a social media site. That was it. He never sent me a message or contacted me. I think he wanted to. He never did.  Actually I sent him one. As soon as I saw his picture, his old partner came through and he wanted me to contact him because he had something to say.

So I did

If I contact someone it is to deliver a message from spirit. This spirit was his former partner who took his life. He had to get his message known. So I persisted and we agreed to meet. I am sure when a medium contacts you, there might be hesitation to find out what they want to tell you. He was very open to it which made the process better. I somehow ended up in the wrong location and spirit was there hanging onto my shoulder the entire way, nervous that his ex partner was about to show up. Eventually I made it to the right location. It was a very eclectic, diverse and very popular place on a weekends. It was the first time I saw a cat in a stroller and loving it. Usually you see a smaller dog being pushed in a baby stroller, certainly not a cat.

You might ask, well, if the living have grief, and gotten over it, maybe the dead can too. Even if the living human has gone through the grieving process and forgiven the suicide victim, it is not over for the suicide victim themselves. They are still trying to come to terms with what they did, why they did it and to find closure, most want to say they are sorry, the biggest word is sorry. Some dont want to let go, others will remain in a grey area because they can’t forgive themselves but most are in the light upon death. They don’t go to hell unless they are extremely bad people in life. He was still around, still hanging around.

So we three sat down, me and two men. One was the new partner. Of course spirit was not happy that he was there but he knew he was dead and couldn’t do anything about it and just wanted his old partner happy. He just wanted happiness for him. I told him I was shown pills and a rope. This was how the suicide victim took his own life.

Burial plans were discussed and I suggested that they follow his wishes. Keeping his remains was not an option but perhaps granting what he wanted with maybe a second option to appease the living was the answer.

All in all, the suicide victim was happy in that he could now move on, and go into the light knowing that he said what he wanted to say, and that was a simple but heart felt sorry and to grant forgiveness and receive it. Better late than never I say.



A Portal

This morning as I was in my hotel bathroom, preparing myself for work, off to my left, I caught a vision of the doorway, the path, leading to the other side. It was right there, beside me. It has never appeared to me that way before. i have witnessed the giant marble steps that my twin walked up when she cried for help to seeing the Arch Angel Michael appearing before me in a whiteness with the golden light behind him. The idea that it was my time had suddenly crossed my mind but this vision vanished a few seconds as fast it appeared. Was a spirit coming through that it opened for? They don’t normally enter my world this way or if they did, they didn’t make it so announced.
This was not a door per say as we know it with a door handle, knob or sliding glass but an opening of white, almost as if a cloud had formed into a doorway. This opening I knew. I immediately knew what it was intended for, a white entry way leading into what I could not see, a walkway, a path to follow and it was filled with love. When it closed, it closed from the bottom up. There was nothing to be afraid off. Nothing at all. Was this the proverbial tunnel that so many people speak of. Was this the way a soul travels in a near death experience only to return and tell of? Their diminishing senses upon the death of their body is awakened with a renewed sense of life. This journeying soul ifeels an all encompassing love from a golden light on the other side and is  greeted by lost loved ones, This we know from store.
If it was indeed my time, then I would have gone right there as it was the most welcoming feeling, the most loving feeling I have had for a long time.
Magicians use smoke machines to create an illusion of mystic means and this was no different. It appeared and as soon as it appeared it was gone.
Was I to die this day? Was the door intended for my soul not yet finished with it’s mission? Why did I see the entrance to what some refer to as the pearly gates, the golden gates, the heavens, leading to a power much greater than ourselves? Perhaps this was not meant for me but to relay this to someone else, so that they know not to be afraid. Perhaps that I was born with the gift of being a medium, I am to relay this message. Justly so, Perhaps.
Scrooge was not there with the angel of death pointing his ghostly, craggly thin skeletal finger at his demise. Darkness didn’t appear and fade into another drama of the wrongs I committed in this lifetime, rather a lighted path, a warm loving path laid out before me only I could not see the path but yet, an all knowing of it being there. This is what a medium has been gifted with, an all knowing in a way to see, to hear, to feel the other side and the souls in it.
The vision went on to a gradual fading of everything we know, as depicted in the movies, but can only be described similar in circumstance to a passenger looking out of a airplane window. The view is starting to become obscured, with a thick blanket of whiteness overtaking the view, the clouds slowly dissipating what the eye has before it. The natural light fades with the onset of the clouds and then a brilliant golden light emits from above as though the sun peeked its way out. The noise, all noise cancels and the harmonious voices of thousands of souls singing can be heard in the background.
When i state that the doorway is open upon ushering in a reading, the doorway is different. The souls that have crossed are now in a different room behind a different door, like a large conference room standing in line, waiting their turn, a holding room. They come freely, some not all or all but not some will inevitably show. The doorway is different than the doorway I saw today. However, it all leads to the same magnificent place, a place that offers total unconditional love, like the puppy you have who just wants to show you how much he bestow his gratitude and love upon you. Unconditional love is what awaits us with no strings attached.
As I walked out of the hotel and boarded the plane, I experienced Dejavu as we ascended into the clouds. I relived what I felt in the bathroom this morning. It can’t be lived twice, so I know this vision was not intended for me but to relay it to others as a remote viewer, psychic and medium.
This is what Heaven wants you to know.

What Heaven Really Wants Us To Know

The lady in the elevator was rude. Pointing out that I could not see the number 5 had been pressed and not 3. Not looking up to meet my eyes, was a way of hers to let me know I was less than, not important in her world or others. I didn’t matter. It happens every day, all day, the mentality of others toward others.

The young man standing in the get together with other young cronies, some of them female, starts to laugh when they lay eyes upon me. Is it the way I look or that I am older? Am I not dressed nice enough? Is it a way of being defiant and important in their world, to shun the older people as not important? Is it a way to make someone feel less than? It’s the mentality off others toward others.

The cute puppy immediately runs up to me as I exit the elevator, picking me out of strangers walking past. He knows. He sees what I try to carry, what I try to instill in others, the “Good Soul”. It only comes with the white light. Animals know when you are a good person or not. Their built in uncanny sense of awareness is very distinctual and humans do not poessess it. I carry the white light. I am merely one of millions of souls on this planet in a body but my soul tries to walk along God’s path.

What Heaven really wants us to know is that we as individuals are indeed loved, by something much bigger than what we will ever be able to see while alive unless you have a gift or unless you someone meet your maker but come back. Heaven wants us to know that when our time comes we don’t just go away but are still learning. We have a job to do here, to learn how to be better souls in a body that perhaps might not work, might not be perfect and might not be what we wanted. We still have to learn from our mistakes and right the wrong. Learn from the mentality of others so that you don’t repeat it.

We need to learn to be grateful for what we have, be grateful to be able to give to others perhaps the last dollar we own, the last smile a person may see, or the last laugh someone may experience from our jokes. It comes with compassion and it comes from God.

Empathy and compassion, stepping outside of our own needs to see the lost dog on the street, the homeless man asking for money or food, to the person who suffers from mental illness. It doesn’t matter how much money we have, what we wear. What does matter is how we treat people, the mentality of others toward others.

If you saw an elderly woman walking outside in the pouring rain would you cover her with your umbrella and help her? If you saw an elderly man with a flat tire would you call someone or ask if he is okay? If you saw a lost dog or cat would you try to help get it to its home?

Say you are rich, so you donate money to a worthy cause. It does not mean your soul is good. You donate it to give it away because if you don’t, the government will take it in tax form. What were your motives to begin with? Do you personally hand people money instead? Do you personally go out of your way to help an indivdual in need or find the most needy to help? Did you buy a turkey for the lady who supports her grandkids and disabled husband and yet, she only has one lung and lives on food stamps? What have you done to deserve being called a Good Soul”? Remember, the mentality of others towards others.

Hide and Seek

He didn’t want to show himself. He was married to her for far too long and when he passed, that was it for him. No more going back to check on her. It wasn’t that long after he had died that she moved another man into her bed. So what was the point? Then she started contacting me. I mean really contacting me to the point of almost abuse. Why couldn’t I bring him through to her and why couldn’t he come to her?

“I was slacking. I was useless, I wasn’t any good.” Those were her words to me on a daily basis. I, being a kind soul couldn’t bring myself to tell her, he is hiding behind a wall throwing out clues to me because he really basically doesn’t want anything to do with you anymore. He is playing hide and seek, only he doesn’t want you to find him. He doesn’t want to be found.  He DOESNT WANT TO COME BACK TO YOU!!!  Really simply abusive lady, try kicking that scum bag out of your bed and show some real remorse for the loss of your husband who probably put up with you for umpteen years.  That was my thought but obviously she wanted her cake and her birthday present as well. Not going to happen. It’s not like they can’t see you and what you do. Of course they can. Just because they move from one physical body to a spiritual energy form doesn’t mean they can’t see you. They can. They can hear you too. He probably heard what you called me.

So her deceased husband hid behind the partition, a wall that reminded me of the tv show, The Dating Game from the 70’s. Now I am showing my age. He showed me signs, symbols, private things that went on their married life but refused to come all the way through. Some spirits won’t do this as they are afraid they might not get back to where they currently are. He was not the only one to do it this way. A mother who passed early in life from a heart issue also wouldn’t show herself. I think she was, I know she was ashamed and the family didn’t tell me everything but I saw it. I saw what happened to her. That’s okay. Also, some spirits who take their own life do this as well because they are also ashamed. This was not the case in this instance with this lady and her deceased husband. If I were him, heck I would run as far as eternity was long. I would keep on running.

So if I tell you I can’t bring him or her forward, but I give you all the necessary information from them so that you know without a doubt I am speaking to them,  take this as a sign that perhaps they don’t want to come back..for whatever reason.  However, for this “lonely” lady in mourning, it was because he had had enough of her crap and didn’t want to deal with it in the afterlife.


Othersidepsychic, More Readings from Facebook

These are individuals who have posted on my facebook page, Mary,Othersidepsychic. I have no control over what they post. I can only share it.
I do give readings for free as I have been given a gift. For now, I don’t charge. Please contact me if you need closure from a loved one, a missing loved one or just want to know if your family member is okay.
I am here to help.


“I just now had an amazing reading with Mary again! A dear friend came through and showed her things until there was no doubt it was my Debbie! I have missed her so much but have dreamed lots of times about her so real like and Mary assured me it wasn’t a dream, they visit this way! Made me feel so good! Mary is amazing to be able to interpret their messages so well! Thanks again Mary!!!! Once again you uplifted me!!!”

“ive just had a reading of mary and omg this woman is amazing i cant thank her enough thankyou for the closure mary i will sleep better now keep doing what u do your a angel xx”

“Omg this lady is amazing helped me big time about my uncle Peter my nana my brother and my aunty…thank you so much I feel so much beta knowing my loved ones are ok.”

“Also to think I’m in new Zealand and she’s in the us”

Other Side Psychic, Evie

She found out I had a special gift and I never wanted anyone at my workplace to know. Sometimes it is hard to hold it in because my mouth suddenly opens up and my spirit guides just let me blurt it out. So she started asking me about her, and what did I see.

Well, honestly, four months ago I told her to get her abdomen checked, meaning, I saw something that was not right, not cancerous but not right.They found a two pound tumor about a week prior to me writing this. Not cancerous, and it was removed this past week.

I am glad that I could be of help and that she is okay. Most important thing is that she is okay.

Other Side Psychic, REBECCA

I made a promise to my former employer before her death  I would not leave the yacht as he would need me. I also promised her friends. I didn’t, not for a few years, and it was only until her spouse could become stronger.  He did rejoin life, eventually. Life went on as it always does. We seem to think it stops, and wish it would so the world could grieve our heartbreak. Just because they die doesn’t mean they leave us. Rebecca didn’t.

When he couldn’t go on, crying in the master stateroom of how he didn’t want to live life without her, the bathrobe fell off the bathroom door.

He got up and picked it up and put it back on the hook.

Then he started talking to her again and once more, the bathrobe fell off the hook again. Once more he picked it back up and placed it back on the hook.

When he started talking to her again going over his life with her and how he couldn’t possibly go on, the bathrobe fell down. A light bulb went off in his head and it occurred to him that she was telling him to pick himself up like that bathrobe and go back to life.

She was still there after many years. The chair she would always sit in on the aft deck was covered in her signature perfume.  The strangest thing was that it was a terribly windy day and to have perfume linger in an area was not going to happen on a day like that. It couldn’t, but it did. Her perfume was there years after she passed.

They never really leave us. They truly never do…

Death Dream and Twin Connections

It has plaqued me since age 8. Now that I look back after the dream finally had an ending, I see it was a forewarning of events to come and had I known this, I would have been better prepared but when are we truly prepared for death? Never, but it is a fact of life.

It first came to me as a child at age 8, then again at 16, then in my twenties several times, then in my thirties, and every week in my late thirties. I would awake in cold sweats and cry. I had an impeding doom feeling that my life would end at 36. Then the age changed to 38.

I specifically remember telling Amy, at age 16, my identical twin sister that I saw myself die in my dreams. We were standing in front of the mirror in my parents house getting ready for school. Her eyes became big. She was so beautiful and I felt like the ugly duckling compared to her. Even though we both had red auburn hair and cat like eyes eyes, she was so much more worldly than me. Amazing how one twin views the other.

The dream had significance then. As a child I was too young to understand it and didn’t pay too much attention.

At age 38. the dream kept reappearing whenever I went to sleep.  The body was still the same, laying on a bare mattress, in a bare room, face down. The atmosphere was of despair, grey.

This time, the colors came in. The sweat pants we wore were not of my color but the color Amy had, turquoise. The sweat shirt was grey, not my color and this time, the face was revealed, it was Amy. I had been seeing Amy’s death all these years thinking it was mine.

I rushed to the phone desperately trying to reach her. She was in Italy in Venice and I was in Costa Rica. Two worlds apart. Finally, I woke her up.  I begged her to go to the doctors, begged her, crying and beseeching her. She never went, scared that she would be hospitalized. Fear ruled her world.

Before I hung up, I told her I loved her very much. I always would and I would call her before I reached Panama.

I never got the chance. One week later, Richard, my ex was crying on the aft deck of the yacht we worked on. I had just woken up and walked outside. Then I knew. Amy was dead.

My world fell apart. I saw it happening but I couldn’t stop it in time. One week to a lifetime of dreams couldn’t stop what God had planned. I realize that now. I am only the messenger.

There is a reason i am here and she is not and I only wish a dream would tell me.


Other Side Psychic, Right House, Right Address, Old Owner

I kept telling Joe that the former owner has stayed behind in his house. He never really believed me. He is one of those people who needs proof of what I knew, saw. Former Lawyer, he needed proof. They run on proof.

Never mind the cats are spooked. The room the former owner resides in is the back left bedroom which is facing the front yard. It is the bedroom that has handicapped shower. Joe keeps that room shut off from the rest of the house simply because it is stacked full of stuff. I even don’t get a good vibe going in there. I always announce, “Hi, it’s me. Just coming in to get something” and I leave as quickly as I go in.

The former owner was married to a not so nice woman who cheated on him all the time, and when he was diagnosed with a crippling and fatal disease, Lou Gehrigs, MLS, it wasn’t long before he was confined to a wheel chair. All he could do was stare outside of the front bedroom window as his wife rode away with another man. Sad really, that he had to endure this in his ailing health. God bless him. He needed blessings.

Well, finally he passed, then a bunch of illegal residents moved in, trashed it, left a bad imprint of violence and destruction throughout the entire home. Finally the house went into foreclosure.  Joe was the lucky winner. It was in his price range. It has taken a couple of years but he has turned it into a liveable nice home. Still, the bad imprints and spirit remain. Not good.

I kept telling him the former owners name was Micheal. He is healthy but not happy and camped out in his front bedroom.

“Yeah, sure” was/is  the response I get.

Not believing me, finally, the air conditioning post card came in the mail, not once, but twice in the same month, last month to be exact,  addressed to the former owner, whose name was Micheal.

Joe, Let’s cleanse your house and I will pray that Micheal will cross over into the white light.