Recent Readings

It seems every night I have been reading two to three people, for no charge. Can you say I am spot on accurate in these readings? Well, yes, I have been and the proof is in the pudding, as it is listed on my facebook page on Mary, Othersidepsychic.

There is one special person who has a multitude of orbs coming and going in her house, which are deceased loves ones that want to be there to other spirits looking for a home and some even coming from the funeral home 30 yards away. Why her house? She has a gift. It is that of a empath and sensitive. The spirits are attracted to someone who has gift. So naturally, like a moth to a light, they flock to her.

This gifted gal brought me to a very gifted clairvoyant friend of hers who cant use her gift due to a block, a negative cloud produced by a woman who tried to run her off from her son. The mother in law put a cloud on her aura but her infant son is so gifted, her gift is diminished around him. That day, her grand mother came around as well as her cousin who passed. To look at a picture of her, her gift surrounds her, like a golden white light that envelops her.

A different lady was surely a skeptic, announcing it before we began. Just getting her to say the word yes was pulling teeth. The Spirits came through though. When her daughters godfather came forward, I told her I saw a male between the ages of 18 and 24. She said no, she didn’t lose anybody in that age. Then I mentioned the number 15. I told her, he says he lived in soemthing named with the number 15 and I also see jail. Well, she said the man she knew died when he was 29. I asked her, “did he look younger for his age?” She said yes, he most certainly did. She told me he lived in area 15. I asked her if he was shot or hurt in his chest because he is holding his chest. She said he was shot in his chest. This was the man I described. Her daughters godfather. Then an even more powerful woman came forward wearing a ruby dress, a red hat and carrying a bible. I asked her if she knew who this person was. Yes, it was her great grandmother. I told her I saw a worn Bible and I also saw a cast iron skillet and bread, johnny cake or corn. She made bread all the time, corn bread. It was validation for her that she has her family around her. That skeptic left believing.

Another one is a cousin of mine I have never spoken to except for a brief two days in the last two days. I never knew he existed. He never knew I existed and asked for a reading. Well, he got it. It was so accurate he left several times during the reading either due to being scared or not sure how he was supposed to react to several things I saw.

For him, i saw the gift of writing, but I also saw his past troubles, and is present troubles, to include a girlfriend with some heavy duty baggage. I encouraged him to start his writing career and I do hope he decides to venture in that direction. As for her, she has a long road ahead of her to include a very bad illness, and she is loaded in personal tragedies that have plagued her life. I hope that with his dedicated love to her, she can recover.

Just a few of the readings I have had. Today was slow, as most people are celebrating with their families and loved ones. Don’t forget to set a place at the table for the ones you lost. They are there too.

Happy Thanksgiving to all past present spirits and loved ones living.


Othersidepsychic, TV Shows

As I sat there watching a tv ghost show with my friend the other night, I realized I was telling him what was in the house, where it was and why. I seem to ruin any good ghost shows because I can see it before they even say it on the tv.  That can really spoil the reason for watching the GHOSTIE shows as I like to refer to them. Whenever I come home from traveling, that is what we like to do. Sit around and try to be scared. Of course it doesn’t. work. It takes something really off the wall to scare me. Something I have not seen in the paranormal field. Of which, I am sure I will someday.

As I travel today back to my home, I am faced with the fact I did not buy any white sage to sage my little apartment. I have some spirits who hang out in the back bedroom and hallway. Actually, I have about five in my house. I don’t know the history per say but then I don’t need to research the history. I can see it. There are imprints left from the arguing the gay couple had before I moved in and some of the violence I know existed. My house is old. I do know an older person died in my house and it is a woman. Then I picked up a couple of strangers who hang with me with my identical twin sister.

So, once I get to where I am going, I will go get some sage. That will only hold them at bay for a short period of time.

Othersidepsychic, Nightmare of a Death Shroud

I went to bed just like any other night, keeping the attachments at bay by telling them to step outside my bedroom door if they were not of God and his white light. They do. One in particular hangs out right in the hallway, even with all the lights turned on at night. My neighbors must think I am crazy sleeping with all the lights on, but I have to. As you will read.

So sleep came pretty fast. Then came the nightmare. I was in my old house I grew up in, in SC and it was dark in the house, no real lights on, or so it appeared to be and Amy my twin was there, even though I could not see her. I felt her.
Then as I laid down on the bed to sleep at the house, a giant sheet came and attached itself to the doorway, like it was being sucked against the frame, blocking me from exiting. Like a plastic wrap or membrane over the doorway. Another sheet came at me and intent on wrapping itself around me but I deflected it with my cross around my neck. I fought it off. It was being caused by a ghost that I could not see but I could feel. A very dark and powerful entity was trying to kill me. I started chasing it with my cross telling it to leave but I couldnt utter the word. No words would come from my throat, just gutteral sounds. When the sheet blocking the door fell down with the appearance of the cross, I ran out into the hall chasing the ghost and in front of me were two more sheets being pulled toward me by the ghost on the floor. Inching slowly, creeping towards me, I saw them move but I could not see what was pulling them, and it was coming right for me. The anger in me grew to the point it was do or die in my dream and I have died in my dreams repeatedly but not by the hand of a evil entity. Why I asked, why me? I remembered trying to yell, to scream anything to tell it to leave but nothing would come from my lips. They were frozen. Only a few syllables escaped my mouth. It was enough. The anger I felt towards this entity was enough to make it leave. The cross around my neck, I held toward it and it ran. Then I remember screaming for my deceased twin sister. I repeatedly screamed her name. Suddenly, I woke myself up. Terrified, breathing hard and absolutely unsure of what I had just experienced. Amy was gone too. She was gone. The atmosphere in the house had changed from depression and gloom of a dark entity to a feeling of being at peace and it was but a dream.
However, in the dream, the ghost, everything appeared real. It was trying to block me, to keep in and to eventually smother me. I assume it was trying to wrap me in a shroud if it could. Even though I managed to chase it away in the process, I was still crying for Amy.
If anyone has a different meaning to what I experienced, I invite you to share with me how you interpret this dream.

Othersidepsychic, Tested by Skeptic

I was recently “tested” by another supposedly psychic-skeptic. It was relayed to me through my mother who was online with him. He found out I was a psychic and medium. Then the questions started the minute I gave him a compliment on his glasses. Mind you, I am thousands of miles away from him. From me telling him the color of the van he drove, that he wrecked, of which I told him I saw it wrecked, to the year it was made, to the shape of the glasses he wears to the blue object in his home that I saw. Even down to the underwear in his closet sitting on the floor of which he denied.
You can’t hide much from me. I also saw him and I know this person does not have a gift like mine. I also told him about the spirits in in his house to the ghost outside his house. He confirmed all of this.

If you don’t believe someone like me, that’s fine. Just stop with the constant barrage of questions to catch the psychic in a missed answer. I told him if he didn’t stop I would flatten his tire or send more ghosts to his house. I really didn’t mean it but hey, I was getting fed up. Like the Liberty Mutual insurance company ad, “Hey, we are not perfect.” We are here to carry a message of hope and love from the other side and to forewarn of , not to be tested constantly or have contests to prove who is the better psychic. I have been called one of the most accurate psychic-mediums out there. I am just here to carry a message, a message of hope, love, from the other side.

I do my job to help others, not to prove to others that I am real. Do you really think I would attach the name psychic to my name? Do you have any idea how painful that can be, how I have lived my life being ridiculed by others, cast aside, shunned? Do you really think any normal person would do this on a regular basis? Absolutely not. We still live in a world that conveys the impression of being a psychic and medium as scary, freaky, not normal, mentally ill. It is hard to fathom a gift you don’t have. Just as Einstein had a gift, most of us will never ever know, why is it so difficult to fathom a gift of knowing? Slowly as it brings enlightenment on tv with Long Island Medium and the Angel, we are learning, that we are not bad people, just people with a unique gift to offer closure from our loved ones on the other side.

You will know I am for real from the first minute you talk to me.