Othersidepsychic, The Cloaked Attachment

Well, no one is impervious to bringing somehting home with them. I am speaking of the paranormal and not a new puppy or kitten that you bring home to your loved ones, your private space and place that you feel safe in. This psychic is not immune to it either but you should take steps to prevent it and I left without doing so this past weekend from visiting a clients home.

He had a hat, kind of like a medical doctor from the 1700’s or 1800’s and he was tall and thin. He wore a coat which was close to a cloak. It was the same man I saw at my clients house and I guess he decided to follow me.

When I stopped over at my friends house on Hilton Head Island to break up my trip down to Florida, as I closed my eyes, I did a double take because he was standing at the door. God, I most certainly did not want to leave him at my friends house so he traveled down to Florida with me.  My friend asked me what I was staring at. I told him. He knows about my abilities. Nothing happened that night but last night it did.

As I was laying in bed working on my computer, with my baby, my trusted friend and cat Sharkbait beside me, the door swung closed. No one was in the house or room other than me and my cats. Certainly no cat was near the door to make it close. Sharkbait then started to hiss. His ears went flat back. So I know this attachment is not good. I said out loud, ONly God’s White Light and Love Can Stay Here. You must leave now. Then everything returned to normal.

Now I have to get to work to drive this attachment out. I need to sage myself, and the house as well as salt all entrances and exits. I can say this entity, this male ghost, stays at a distance from me. He knows that he can’t stay with me here and does not come close. I constantly protect myself with God’s white light and love won’t let anything come close. Hence, why it stands off at a distance.

I will drive him out to return from whence it came, and I can’t imagine it was a good place. Wish me luck. This will not take long.


Last night while

Othersidepsychic, Ghosts In a Tobacco Field

A client of mine had been asking if I could come see  her in SC because she had been having an awful time with hauntings. For over a year, I was trapped in a job that didn’t even let me breathe much less have time to tend to my own affairs, Finally after the job ended, I  traveled to her. How I actually met Carolyn, was by the telephone. I had only read her over the phone, never in person. So, my remote viewing of her home, her surroundings and what I saw was by the telephone. Then I got to see it fi2qAZrst hand 

I told her about what I saw while in my bedroom in Florida on the phone to her in SC. I saw the cemetery sitting behind her house surrounded by planting fields which grew tobacco. At the time I saw them, they were growing another planting. I saw the ghosts sitting in her cemetery, and there were about 10 to 12 of them. All of the burial plots were family dating back over 100 years. and I saw the big slave who kept the other ghosts in check. I saw her kitchen as if I was standing there in real life and I saw it in the back of her house, of which it was all true. I saw the entities that haunt her house from a very long distance away. Then I felt them when I went there. Two were in her house. One lived in her attic, hid up there and actually ran from us as we cleaned the house.  The other entity liked to hang out in her bedroom but also liked hanging out on the staircase.  Together we cleansed the outside structures especially the ones harboring entities that were ominous.  I couldn’t leave her knowing that they were still lurking around and were up to no good. As far as the other ghosts, some had to stay such as her brother on the front porch and her mother who was there to protect her.                 

The other entities, the ghosts in the field are still there. So is Big Joe the slave. He keeps them in check. She will never really be rid of them as they are ingrained in the land, in her life. For you see, she attracts them. She has the gift. They come to her because she has the white light and attracts them as I do. I never knew this until I met her face to face. It takes a psychic to know a psychic. She is just now discovering her gift this late in life.

Sometimes the gift presents itself early in life, sometimes late in life as in Carolyn’s case. All this time she was labeled as crazy when in fact, she is an empath. She has the gift.

I plan on going back up there to see her and find out how she is doing in the near future. To help her, but also to offer support. My final parting words to her were, you will never really be rid of these spirits because they are a part of you. Better get used to it.


There was other structures on her property that harbored entities. From a deiapidated barn to her husbands cousins that died in a car wreck right past her driveway to something evil lurking around a machinery shed. Many people died on that property and the one question of how she could get rid of them came up.

Honestly, the land was marked and getting rid of all of them is impossible from this psychics standpoint but