My Readings, From My Facebook Page

Mary Othersidepsychic I’ve been so busy that I haven’t forgotten what ya done for me just haven’t had time. But I want to thank you for your reading. It made me smile when ya mentioned my husband being with me and even brought his sense of humor through. Made me laugh out loud not the hills and then being rocky equaling to Rock Hill which is where he worked. A-mazing! From the rocker to his steel toe boots being on the porch to the rocking chair i was just in awe. The necklace that you saw that was important to me wasn’t from him I thought bout it and it is the necklace I wear now which holds a ring on it with Robert’s name in it. So thought that was great once i realized it. The comment you made bout him saying ‘I’m one tough lady’ made me tear cuz he’s said that on more then one occasion. And hugging me from behind was his favorite way he hugged me. I felt so great after your reading thank you so much. Your amazing… and your want and desire to just keep others in contact with loved ones and help with some closure is a blessing. Thank you again and if ya ever feel my loved ones coming thru again i look forward to hearing thank you and God bless you
— feeling thankful.