The Dark Side of Beautiful

The marsh and tidal creek lay just out front from the large plantation house, with its majestic oaks draped with Spanish moss . It’s a beautiful setting for a low country wedding, and a place I fell in love with and could stay forever. With the price of beauty comes the side of darkness of its past.

Last year I went there from a request from the owner to see what was there. I primarily concentrated on several areas of the house and got lengthy Evp’s from the still lurking around owner from the 1800’s. This year, it was different.

I asked to speak to the kind man I engaged with last year. A voice came back to me over Evp’s that said, “He’s dead.”

My reply was, “Do you know you are dead too?” I was irritated that a spirit decided to screw with me as a medium and thwart my endeavors as to why I came.

“What do you mean he is dead?” What kind of spirit says that? Not a good one that is for sure. I had to dig deeper. I asked for a name and I got it. The next day I went to the library to get information and found out that the name given to me over evp by spirit belonged to the man who was ruthless, making this estate the richest during his lifetime for the area. He lived during the 1700’s. It was him I heard. It only got worse from there. The night time cameras catching us sleeping showed our project manager sitting on the edge of the bed rocking back and forth in an unusual manner around 2-3 am and all of sudden the footage showed his back contorting into a balloon. It was not humanly possible to do so unless you have helium to blow your back into a bulbous round shape. His did. Then you see the same spirit come over to me when I was sleeping and yank the covers from my feet and lay down beside me. I was not about to sleep alone in that house and he was my best friend. For three days I watched my friend turn into a 80 something year old, a man I did not know. Even his voice changed and his eyes narrowed, shutting for most of the time. Who was he? Not my friend Joe.

Later, his back hurt so bad that I took him to the emergency room. The doctors came back in and said his back had a compression fracture and a cracked rib. I know what caused it. He kept saying he wanted to go back home. We were home and now over 500 miles away from the estate.  Apparantly, this home was not the one he intended.

I asked out loud over an evp session when we were at the estate “Who is the evil entity here? Can they hurt someone?” I never heard the answer at the time, and it was “Yes”

After we arrived back at the house a few states away, having gotten home from the hospital, Joe’s phone turned Siri on, by itself, and a message came across the front screen,  “You don’t know true evil yet.”

After I left the estate last year, I got a message on my phone that said, ” What do you call a slut in the ground?.”

Pure evil lurks behind the beautiful sometimes.

Measures in Time

Measures in Time

The eternal smile, worn tight, fosters an agist culture that demands youthfulness. Constant bombardment of natural cures, anti aging creams, cool sculpting to going under the knife for the sake of erasing time stares back at you in the mirror. The deep circles or sagging neck, the jowls all define the human person as it ages. The greying of the hairs, crows feet flying, smaller eyes, are but the signs of father time and the measures he places upon the human body.
The time it took someone to experience life, to outgrow diapers, to spell, read and write, hit their first baseball, or learn to ride a bike, is wiped away. Where did the line go that signified true loss and pain or , the moment you captured love in the eyes of another? Is it magically lessened? Sent away in one knife and one pull of the skin? Where did the smile upon attending the grandchild’s first birthday go? What happened to the wrinkle that upturned on its own, that symbolized the marriage to the love of your life? The frown line when you scrunched your face thinking? That cuteness with abandonment filled by botox. When the character lines are erased, where might have the character of the moment of that particular memory have gone? Each subtle pull of the fingers, tightening ever so gently, takes away what life intended you remember. The scar from falling in the river on oysters, the laugh lines from the comedy club, a night spent with friends to the minutest engravings left behind after the worst breakup, where has it gone? Holding the lifeless furry body of your best friend after getting hit by the car, where is the life line on you to connect you to that moment? It’s gone. This is life found in the memories of your skin, character lines of where you have been, and what your soul has experienced.
The attention placed on the soul must be greater than the attention placed on the outward appearance if one is to remain forever young.

A Portal

This morning as I was in my hotel bathroom, preparing myself for work, off to my left, I caught a vision of the doorway, the path, leading to the other side. It was right there, beside me. It has never appeared to me that way before. i have witnessed the giant marble steps that my twin walked up when she cried for help to seeing the Arch Angel Michael appearing before me in a whiteness with the golden light behind him. The idea that it was my time had suddenly crossed my mind but this vision vanished a few seconds as fast it appeared. Was a spirit coming through that it opened for? They don’t normally enter my world this way or if they did, they didn’t make it so announced.
This was not a door per say as we know it with a door handle, knob or sliding glass but an opening of white, almost as if a cloud had formed into a doorway. This opening I knew. I immediately knew what it was intended for, a white entry way leading into what I could not see, a walkway, a path to follow and it was filled with love. When it closed, it closed from the bottom up. There was nothing to be afraid off. Nothing at all. Was this the proverbial tunnel that so many people speak of. Was this the way a soul travels in a near death experience only to return and tell of? Their diminishing senses upon the death of their body is awakened with a renewed sense of life. This journeying soul ifeels an all encompassing love from a golden light on the other side and is  greeted by lost loved ones, This we know from store.
If it was indeed my time, then I would have gone right there as it was the most welcoming feeling, the most loving feeling I have had for a long time.
Magicians use smoke machines to create an illusion of mystic means and this was no different. It appeared and as soon as it appeared it was gone.
Was I to die this day? Was the door intended for my soul not yet finished with it’s mission? Why did I see the entrance to what some refer to as the pearly gates, the golden gates, the heavens, leading to a power much greater than ourselves? Perhaps this was not meant for me but to relay this to someone else, so that they know not to be afraid. Perhaps that I was born with the gift of being a medium, I am to relay this message. Justly so, Perhaps.
Scrooge was not there with the angel of death pointing his ghostly, craggly thin skeletal finger at his demise. Darkness didn’t appear and fade into another drama of the wrongs I committed in this lifetime, rather a lighted path, a warm loving path laid out before me only I could not see the path but yet, an all knowing of it being there. This is what a medium has been gifted with, an all knowing in a way to see, to hear, to feel the other side and the souls in it.
The vision went on to a gradual fading of everything we know, as depicted in the movies, but can only be described similar in circumstance to a passenger looking out of a airplane window. The view is starting to become obscured, with a thick blanket of whiteness overtaking the view, the clouds slowly dissipating what the eye has before it. The natural light fades with the onset of the clouds and then a brilliant golden light emits from above as though the sun peeked its way out. The noise, all noise cancels and the harmonious voices of thousands of souls singing can be heard in the background.
When i state that the doorway is open upon ushering in a reading, the doorway is different. The souls that have crossed are now in a different room behind a different door, like a large conference room standing in line, waiting their turn, a holding room. They come freely, some not all or all but not some will inevitably show. The doorway is different than the doorway I saw today. However, it all leads to the same magnificent place, a place that offers total unconditional love, like the puppy you have who just wants to show you how much he bestow his gratitude and love upon you. Unconditional love is what awaits us with no strings attached.
As I walked out of the hotel and boarded the plane, I experienced Dejavu as we ascended into the clouds. I relived what I felt in the bathroom this morning. It can’t be lived twice, so I know this vision was not intended for me but to relay it to others as a remote viewer, psychic and medium.
This is what Heaven wants you to know.

Othersidepsychic, More Readings from Facebook

These are individuals who have posted on my facebook page, Mary,Othersidepsychic. I have no control over what they post. I can only share it.
I do give readings for free as I have been given a gift. For now, I don’t charge. Please contact me if you need closure from a loved one, a missing loved one or just want to know if your family member is okay.
I am here to help.


“I just now had an amazing reading with Mary again! A dear friend came through and showed her things until there was no doubt it was my Debbie! I have missed her so much but have dreamed lots of times about her so real like and Mary assured me it wasn’t a dream, they visit this way! Made me feel so good! Mary is amazing to be able to interpret their messages so well! Thanks again Mary!!!! Once again you uplifted me!!!”

“ive just had a reading of mary and omg this woman is amazing i cant thank her enough thankyou for the closure mary i will sleep better now keep doing what u do your a angel xx”

“Omg this lady is amazing helped me big time about my uncle Peter my nana my brother and my aunty…thank you so much I feel so much beta knowing my loved ones are ok.”

“Also to think I’m in new Zealand and she’s in the us”

OtherSidePsychic, Yes, Your Brother is in the Back Seat with Me

I was riding home from the airport with two friends who picked me up late at night. Maureen rode in the front of the car and with me in the back seat was her deceased brother. That was difficult to tell her he was sitting in the back with me. It was kind of hard convincing Maureen that her brother was there for her,and when I mentioned another name for a deceased brother in her family that I had no knowledge of, now she was some sort of a believer.I didnt know she had another dead brother named Jack. Her brother sitting next to me in car mentioned “Cracker Jack”. This was as a reference to their brother who died before him. Jack.
She didn’t believe in hocus pocus, as that is what she called it. I told her, Maureen, I have a gift and that is to deliver a message of hope and closure to you with your brother. They relay imagery, symbols, and words and I have to help you put the pieces together. This was a kindergarten puzzle to piece together. Easy, simple. Most aren’t.
“Oh by the way, he said to tell you, he likes hanging out in the livingroom/kitchen area.” Of course she freaked out when I told her he was by her bedside after he died.
Her brother also told me to tell her, that she was at the jumping off point when he died. She agreed.She was. There were several ways she could of left this world but chose not to do it. I named those ways and she said yes. A confirmation that I could not have known about this except through her brother who was present for this.
He was there to protect herself from herself. A guardian angel found in a deceased brother.
The conversation continued for some time and I think when they dropped me off at my house, Maureen who didn’t believe, became a believer and can now go onto heal from the death of her brother

OtherSidePsychic, The Cabin

I just got back from a kind of camping out. I stayed in a beautiful cabin in the mountains. Perfect for the month of September with the cool NY air and crisp bite when I awoke. It was just me, stinky cheese to eat and noosa yogurt and then I heard footsteps, upstairs. Pretty loud footsteps. Loud enough to get my attention kind of footsteps.  They stayed upstairs thank goodness. It was a pacing around, and kind of sounded like the spirit was upset I was there. I tried to make piece with the spirit by telling them I was not there stay, just passing through and that I meant no harm. After that I felt no harm but didn’t stay in the living room very much. In fact, I stayed in my room trying to ignore the  spirit.

I surmised from my gift it belonged to the person who lived or cared for the property long before my friend bought it. Not threatening but when the lights went out, I was thrown into pitch dark blackness and I hate total blackouts. I sleep with the lights on full blast and for reasons! Well, I believe that the entity upstairs also correlated with the basement, which was off the bathroom and I opened the door once. I immediately shut it. I did not get a good vibe from the basement. During the time I was there, I never opened it again nor decided to investigate it. I don’t go looking for trouble. Hey, it finds me easy enough. At one point, after I left, I was asked by someone who knows the property, “How did you like staying in the cabin.” I said, well, okay. I left it at that. When I saw the laughing smile come across her lips, I knew she knew something and didn’t want to tell me. I never let her know I knew it was haunted. Well, that was not the only soul that made their presence known. I was seeing a man of about fifty, handsome, in a sitting position around the cabin. He was wearing a red sweater, kakhi pants. I knew he was the uncle of a man I knew. What was he doing there? He never let me know but I do know that spirits show up when I am around to either let themselves be known or to be known to their loved ones I know.  He was smiling the entire time and thoroughly enjoying himself. I love happy spirits. They make my gift easier to deal with.Then, she showed up. I had heard voices during my stay. Faint female voices to the point I had to ask, “Who is there?, “Hello”  No answer. Silence. Then the same female voice would start talking again, as if she was carrying on a conversation with someone else. I know she was the sister to an elderly woman I know. She stayed with me and I know she is around this elderly woman constantly because she is watching over her as best as she can. This spirit showed me she had a physical defect and that is how I knew she was the sister to my friend.

Today, I saw the elderly grandmother to a gal working at Whole Foods. I didn’t say anything. How can I say to a complete stranger without giving them a heart attack, that their dead grandmother is standing behind them. I cant go anywhere without seeing the deceased or them communicating with me. I just wish I could communicate better to make others believe in what I see so that they might want communication.

Othersidepsychic, Why Are you Still Answering the Phone? Your Dead

It’s been a while since I posted simply because I have been working non stop and have had no time to even iron my pants for work,much less write about the dead or my experiences with them.

This is kind of hard to ignore though. Ever since Joe’s mother died, Joe has had her phone. It is comforting for him to hear her voice when he dials the number and her voice recording comes on. Well, comforting for him. Not for me. Not by a long shot.

For two weeks after she died, I would call Joe on that particular phone and for two weeks straight, she would answer first, then Joe. Each time I was freaked out and threw the phone with a scream to follow. Only one other time in my life has someone I knew answered the phone after they were dead or used the phone as communication and that was my identical twin sister Amy.

One time I was driving and when I heard her answer, I almost wrecked the brand new car I was driving. It happened again tonight. This lets Joe know she is still around but for me, well, you would think that maybe she might say something like, Hi Mary, it’s Rose. Still here or something to the fact to let me know she was not going to spook me everytime I called or even an inkling to let me know she was still around but nooooooooo. So I just started calling Joe on his old phone.

Yes, we psychics still get chills up our spines and freaked out from time to time. Usually it is in a very scary ghost movie or something we were not expecting such as this that totally throws us off guard.



Othersidepsychic, The Running Bobcat

Pulling into the long winding drive to the South Florida National Cemetary, I announced in my car, okay people, I am here. Here I come. Of course  I always announce my arrival upon entering a space that is inhabited by the dead. Well, the dead know as soon as I enter a cemetery but this particular moment was very strange and my gut had a twist in it. Like I got the wind knocked out of me. I knew something was about to happen. Out of the blue a 30 lb bob cat came running along side my car. What made this incident strange was that it continued to run along side my car, not away from it. I slowed down, and rolled down my window and starting calling it. Here kitty kitty and it came pace with my car, literally for about 1/4 mile. Then it jumped ahead of me and went into the bushes. Why would a bob cat run with me? I had showed up early for Joe’s mom’s funeral. Too early as a matter of a fact. In South Florida they wheel the dead in and wheel them out as fast as a sign up sheet for football betting.Chasing the casket down to touch it to tell Rose Joe will be taken care of and will be okay took effort. Those people are fast at wheeling them! There is no time for lingering, hugging, crying or long winded read eulogies You have exactly one hour or whatever you booked and then you have to go because another one is on it’s way.

So, When they started putting on the Jewish hats, I knew I was at the wrong funeral. So, off I go to drive out, and come back one hour later. I got in the right drive through lane and the funeral was good. Rose was there, standing beside her children. She appeared younger, happy, and then all of sudden, birds started squawking, and Joe could have sworn he saw the Bobcat on the outside perimeter of the funeral. I think he did. I do believe this was a sign. What, I am not sure the meaning but it came to me, and showed up again. When I left the funeral, I didn’t see it anymore.

Rose had a message for me to relay to each of her children, at a separate time when they would and could hear it but right now was not the time during their grief and of course to understand it’s meaning. I was given a message to pass that expressed her deepest sorrow for any pain she caused her loved ones in this life, but one in particular, needed to hear it. Maybe in time, in her reflections on her relationship with her grandmother, she will come to have empathy for her and understanding and see what her part was in the whole damaged relationship scenario

Rose was a tough woman, and made enemies amongst her family but loved them and gave them her all. One in particular was her granddaughter that could have cared less that she died. I approached L and told her, your Grandmother wants to pass a message to you. She looked up as if she was in shock but also, told me she didn’t care she died. I said to L, “Rose, says she is sorry for the incident she and you had in the past and she needed me to tell you this as she couldn’t. I simply am passing a message.”

I don’t know if L took it seriously because she doesn’t really know my gift, but she soon will know it.

I passed the message and delivered closure for the dead wanting to make amends. It is up to the living to accept it.

Othersidepsychic, Rose

It had been a few months since I had seen her. Rose is the mother to my friend Joe. Upon entering the room and looking in her direction, I saw white light. She was bathed in white light. It just surrounded her.  It was not the same Rose I had seen a few months prior hobbling but still full of life and other stuff, lol. She spoke her mind and you knew it too when she did. I was the brunt of it on emails and phone calls but she was an overprotective Mom to her baby son. This day, her lungs was filling up with fluids and her body was shutting down. I knew she didn’t have much time. Not at all. I thought maybe a week. I was right. She was going to God.

I heard yesterday that hospice was called in. Tonight she passed. She went into a coma last night and never woke up. There wasn’t much time left for Joe to say his peace so i told him to tell her he loved her. Even though someone is in a coma, I believe they can hear us. She did. She tried to open her eyes but it was futile and a few hours later, she was gone.

I am praying for her soul and an easy transition to the other side.

Othersidepsychic, CHEAP WHITE BREAD LIES

Some people read tea leaves, some read palms, some read tarot cards. I read people. All I have to do is look at them. My gift is centered around the top of my head. That is where it enters. I also feel it in my chest. Today though, I am feeling like cheap white bread. Simply, given a gift and not sure how to make people want it or flock to it.  I also realize that I can see people and even through their lies. I am not to charge for my gift. I can’t. So I guess I am destined to be poor for the rest of my life. It’s okay, because actually I am rich. I am rich because I have the love of a higher power, animals and others. Money cant make my gift perform any better. Money can’t buy me happiness. Money kept my gift from me. My ex husband said, don’t get to wrapped up in that spooky shit or else it will consume you. Well that spooky shit happens to be my God given gift.

What am I supposed to do when I was given a gift such as mine? Stifle it? I am sorry. I can’t.  It helped me today, to have my gift. It always does. I just cant see it for myself until after the fact. One the reasons I was given this gift. It was given to me to help others, not myself.  I do listen to warning signs though.

How it helped me today was that I sold my house and the person buying it was not honest in telling me who they really were. I knew who they were. I saw it. I knew they were lying to me. I knew they were a realtor pretending to be someone else. Don’t ever lie to me because it only hurts you if you are in my life. Do you think I can’t see it?  There has been times in my life when I wasn’t honest and it came back to bite me and stung really bad. Anyway, this person who I met.  I knew it before I found out who they were. I found confimation online today when I was doing some research and found their picture. Honestly for someone like me is a life or death situation. I am trying to put my past behind me and live a totally honest life. Its hard when others aren’t.  So when I feel as though I have been lied to, I feel like cheap white bread, more like toast now. Cheap white bread for a poor person who can’t charge for her gift. Pity potty story.  Hey, I could make a sandwich with that one or better yet, creamed chipped beef over white toast or Welsh Rarebit. Sounds good to me.