The Dark Side of Beautiful

The marsh and tidal creek lay just out front from the large plantation house, with its majestic oaks draped with Spanish moss . It’s a beautiful setting for a low country wedding, and a place I fell in love with and could stay forever. With the price of beauty comes the side of darkness of its past.

Last year I went there from a request from the owner to see what was there. I primarily concentrated on several areas of the house and got lengthy Evp’s from the still lurking around owner from the 1800’s. This year, it was different.

I asked to speak to the kind man I engaged with last year. A voice came back to me over Evp’s that said, “He’s dead.”

My reply was, “Do you know you are dead too?” I was irritated that a spirit decided to screw with me as a medium and thwart my endeavors as to why I came.

“What do you mean he is dead?” What kind of spirit says that? Not a good one that is for sure. I had to dig deeper. I asked for a name and I got it. The next day I went to the library to get information and found out that the name given to me over evp by spirit belonged to the man who was ruthless, making this estate the richest during his lifetime for the area. He lived during the 1700’s. It was him I heard. It only got worse from there. The night time cameras catching us sleeping showed our project manager sitting on the edge of the bed rocking back and forth in an unusual manner around 2-3 am and all of sudden the footage showed his back contorting into a balloon. It was not humanly possible to do so unless you have helium to blow your back into a bulbous round shape. His did. Then you see the same spirit come over to me when I was sleeping and yank the covers from my feet and lay down beside me. I was not about to sleep alone in that house and he was my best friend. For three days I watched my friend turn into a 80 something year old, a man I did not know. Even his voice changed and his eyes narrowed, shutting for most of the time. Who was he? Not my friend Joe.

Later, his back hurt so bad that I took him to the emergency room. The doctors came back in and said his back had a compression fracture and a cracked rib. I know what caused it. He kept saying he wanted to go back home. We were home and now over 500 miles away from the estate.  Apparantly, this home was not the one he intended.

I asked out loud over an evp session when we were at the estate “Who is the evil entity here? Can they hurt someone?” I never heard the answer at the time, and it was “Yes”

After we arrived back at the house a few states away, having gotten home from the hospital, Joe’s phone turned Siri on, by itself, and a message came across the front screen,  “You don’t know true evil yet.”

After I left the estate last year, I got a message on my phone that said, ” What do you call a slut in the ground?.”

Pure evil lurks behind the beautiful sometimes.

Othersidepsychic, Seeing For Myself

Usually my spirit guides won’t let me see for myself. That is like knowing the lottery ticket winning numbers.I can not see anything for myself, but recently as three months ago, my gift changed. It was for a reason.

I had been praying to be relieved of my job. Now you would think most people would do anything to keep their job. Not so in private service. Meaning working for the ultra wealthy. The employer was wonderful in a few ways but was also very much leaning to favorites among employees. A lot of things went on behind the scenes that she was not aware of and it certainly was not my job to tell her. I prayed that something come along because I hated going to work. I absolutely hated it. I never knew what kind of mood the head housekeeper would be in on a daily basis and the second housekeeper would order me around just like the head one and I am the chef. I don’t mind helping out but to take away from food production to clean white linens or to deep clean a suite was not what I was hired to do. I was hired to help out as a team but food came second to them. I was fighting a lost battle. The husband would not eat the food because it was diet food so I wanted out.

The signs started appearing. More and more of them from my psychic guides. I knew my job was ending.When my employer asked me to get her book of foods ready, I knew then.  The day it was determined that I could no longer work there, Joe my best friend whom I live with had a cardiac problem and was admitted into ICU for 2 days straight. This just happened. Then the job offer came forward. It came forward before my departure from my old job. Acceptance was the day after I left my job. Be careful of what you pray for, as it will come true. I am glad because I could not take the abuse, the emotional turmoil and the feeling of micro management by all staff.  I was definitely taken advantage of in this position. I wonder if I just shouldn’t set up shop as a psychic but I am not allowed to charge for my gift. I can’t.

There have been many self viewings of what lay ahead for myself that I have not shared. Only in rare cases can I see for myself and that is to prepare me. This time I was prepared.

It is true when one door closes another opens but it is done for a reason. You just have to see the signs and be prepared.

Othersidepsychic, Animals Know

Ever wonder if you have a ghost in your house? Well, it is as simple as watching what your pet does, If you have pets. I do and they say a lot without meowing. All they have to do is sit up and stare and they do. Boy do they. Sharkbait will suddenly rise up and look, all at attention, and just stare at the entity at my doorway. He is not looking up but rather looking down at the floor, which tells me that it is either another animal that he recognizes such as one of his brothers that died, Harry Teedies or Medusa, or else it’s a  small child of which he has no fear of. Sharkbait loves children. I have watched him stare for minutes and not move. I have watched Nell Nells stare and I have intently watched Nuggies stare at something that is not there to the visible eye, but I know is there because of the feeling I get when an entity is around.

Their ears may perk up and hold a straight look. If their ears go flat back, then I suggest you whip out your bible and cross and start reciting God’s word, out loud.

So keep an eye on your pet, especially at night. Animals and children can see spirits. Usually grown ups can’t because we have been so conditioned we are not open to seeing them, that is if you weren’t born with a gift.

Othersidepsychic, Past Lives, Yours and Mine

Ever have a dream that feels so natural, so real that in the dream you are in a nother time? Maybe wearing different clothes, a different era and yet, you know you have been there before when you wake up? Do you look for buildings or landscape that was in your dreams? I have and do. Yes, what I have seen is indeed my past life. It involved my identical twin sister Amy..

My past life that I know did happen was in the late 1700’s, early 1800’s. I see both of us in period dress for that era. I see the building we both go into. I actually follow her into the building. It is a brick building. Brick in sort of a way, with a two story look to it but we both are not healthy. Both she and I are drug addicts. I see where it could have been opium of some sort. I am not sure what drugs were prevalent then but that is what I am seeing. This was actually a dream I had. Same hair, same body, our dresses were at one point nice but now somewhat dirty, and had a lot of wear on them. I think perhaps we were lost souls, and our lives were destroyed by that particular drug. The dress had stripes in it, sort of a champagne and salmon colored stripes. Our hair was curly and pulled up into buns. the sleeves on the dress came to our elbows and even though I hate it today, the dress was poofy in places, like we were wearing corsets around our waist and it poofed at the sleeves, and then poofed at the hips. I hate that look today. Seriously, I can’t stand anything around my elbows, or mid arm length. I prefer to wear long sleeves rolled one turn up.
 I know, it’s tom boyish, but that’s me. its like I am rolling my sleeves up to get dirty, that kind of look about me even though I am not.

The house was bare, window not in place, a desolate kind of feel, as if it were abandoned like a warehouse look to it made of red clay brick and it is in France somewhere. The architecture speaks of France or England. That is where we both go in and do not come out. I can see the building as it is etched in my memory and I know I have been there before, in another time, another era. I entered as a drug addict. I stayed there as a drug addict, probably even worse as a woman some of the things I did.

Drugs scare me today, especially needles. This could be the reason.  I was never into drugs in this lifetime, well, I don’t think I could run for president with my background, but FBI, yeah, maybe, for sure I could.  I can say, I did my share of drinking in my 40 something years of living and am sober now, going into 14 years sobriety.

So I know that I kicked that habit that followed me into this lifetime. Sometimes we are brought back or come back of our own will to fight what plagued us in our other lifetime, something we couldn’t get over or conquer. This lifetime I did. Unfortunately, Amy didn’t. Maybe I did it for both of us.  I won the lost battle.

This is a past life of mine. I have had others but this clearly stands out as though I know I was there. I indeed know that I was.




Othersidepsychic, Claircognizant, Clairvoyance, Knowing

All you have to do is email. That is all it takes. I don’t have to meet you, I don’t have to hear your voice, or see pictures or touch items to tell you what I see. Thousands of miles away, I can see what is going on in your house, with you, there is not much I can’t see. Am i 100% right? Most of the time, there are pieces to the puzzle that I can deliver to you and you have to fit the puzzle together, and sometimes it goes back generations and sometimes it is in the future, not yet happened.

This is so much more fun than making boring cod cakes at work. Unfortunately, it doesn’t pay the bills. It is not meant to. It is a gift I have to give away freely in order to keep it.

OthersidePsychic, To Tell or Not

When i see white light around someone, it means that their time on this earthly plane is limited and that they are surrounded by God’s white light. Do I tell them to go get checked or not? This has happened so many times to me . Usually when the white light appears it is because it has gone too far or allowed to develop to the point that it is impossible that  any type of medical help will intercede in what I see.

Who really wants to know that they are dying? No one.

Why upset the person with this new knowledge? I can’t. I won’t.

If I suggest that a person go to the doctor, I see something, then it is for a reason and that is when i don’t see the white light.